Source code for pysces.PyscesParScan

PySCeS - Python Simulator for Cellular Systems (

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 B.G. Olivier, J.M. Rohwer, J.-H.S Hofmeyr all rights reserved,

Johann Rohwer (
Triple-J Group for Molecular Cell Physiology
Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
terms of the PySceS (BSD style) license. See LICENSE.txt that came with
this distribution for specifics.

Johann M. Rohwer

from __future__ import division, print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from pysces.version import __version__

__doc__ = """

          PySCeS class distributed multi-dimensional parameter scans with IPython

import numpy as np
from pysces.PyscesUtils import TimerBox
from pysces.PyscesScan import Scanner
import sys, os, pickle

flush = sys.stdout.flush
from time import sleep, time
import subprocess

    import ipyparallel
except ImportError as ex:
    raise ImportError(
        'PARSCANNER: Requires ipyparallel version >=4.0 ('

MULTISCANFILE = __file__.replace(
    'PyscesParScan', '_multicorescan'
__psyco_active__ = 0

[docs]class ParScanner(Scanner): """ Arbitrary dimension generic distributed scanner. Subclassed from *pysces.PyscesScan.Scanner*. This class is initiated with a loaded PySCeS model and then allows the user to define scan parameters, see ``self.addScanParameter()`` and user output, see ``self.addUserOutput()``. Steady-state results are always stored in ``self.SteadyStateResults`` while user output can be found in ``self.UserOutputResults``. Distributed (parallel) execution is achieved with the clustering capability of IPython. See *ipcluster --help*. The optional 'engine' argument specifies the parallel engine to use. - *'multiproc'* -- multiprocessing (default) - *'ipcluster'* -- IPython cluster """ # --johann 20101206 genOn = True _MODE_ = 'state' HAS_USER_OUTPUT = False nan_on_bad_state = True MSG_PRINT_INTERVAL = 500 __AnalysisModes__ = ('state', 'elasticity', 'mca', 'stability') invalid_state_list = None invalid_state_list_idx = None scans_per_run = 100 def __init__(self, mod, engine='multiproc'): self.engine = engine if engine == 'multiproc': print('parallel engine: multiproc') elif engine == 'ipcluster': print('parallel engine: ipcluster') from ipyparallel import Client try: rc = Client() self.rc = rc except OSError as ex: raise OSError( str(ex) + '\nPARSCANNER: Requires a running IPython cluster. See "ipcluster --help".\n' ) dv = rc[:] # direct view lv = rc.load_balanced_view() self.dv = dv = lv dv.execute('from pysces.PyscesParScan import Analyze, setModValue') else: raise UserWarning(engine + " is not a valid parallel engine!") from ipyparallel.serialize import codeutil self.GenDict = {} self.GenOrder = [] self.ScanSpace = [] self.mod = mod self.SteadyStateResults = [] self.UserOutputList = [] self.UserOutputResults = [] self.scanT = TimerBox()
[docs] def genScanSpace(self): """ Generates the parameter scan space, partitioned according to self.scans_per_run """ spr = self.scans_per_run Tsteps = 1 for gen in self.GenOrder: if self.GenDict[gen][4] == False: # don't increase Tsteps for followers Tsteps *= self.GenDict[gen][2] for step in range(Tsteps): pars = self.__nextValue__() # if pars not in self.ScanSpace: self.ScanSpace.append(pars) self.ScanSpace = np.array(self.ScanSpace) self.SeqArray = np.arange(1, Tsteps + 1) if Tsteps % spr == 0: numparts = Tsteps // spr else: numparts = Tsteps // spr + 1 self.ScanPartition = [ self.ScanSpace[n * spr : (n + 1) * spr] for n in range(numparts) ] self.SeqPartition = [ self.SeqArray[n * spr : (n + 1) * spr] for n in range(numparts) ] self.Tsteps = Tsteps
[docs] def Prepare(self, ReRun=False): """ Internal method to prepare the parameters and generate ScanSpace. """ print("\nPREPARATION\n-----------") self.scanT.normal_timer('PREP') self._MODE_ = self._MODE_.lower() assert self._MODE_ in self.__AnalysisModes__, ( '\nSCANNER: \"%s\" is not a valid analysis mode!' % self._MODE_ ) if ReRun: self.ScanSpace = [] self.UserOutputResults = [] self.SteadyStateResults = [] self.invalid_state_list = [] self.invalid_state_list_idx = [] # if self.nan_on_bad_state: # self.mod.__settings__["mode_state_nan_on_fail"] = True # self.dv.execute('mod.__settings__["mode_state_nan_on_fail"] = True') # generate the scan space self.genScanSpace() print("Generated ScanSpace:", next(self.scanT.PREP)) print('PARSCANNER: Tsteps', self.Tsteps) flush()
[docs] def Run(self, ReRun=False): """ Run the parameter scan with a load balancing task client. """ self.Prepare(ReRun) # this is where the parallel magic fun starts.... arl = [] # asynchronous results list if self.engine == 'multiproc': fN = str(time()).split('.')[0] with open(fN, 'wb') as F: pickle.dump( ( self.mod, self.ScanPartition, self.SeqPartition, self.GenOrder, self.UserOutputList, ), F, protocol=-1, ) fN = os.path.abspath(fN) print("Preparation completed:", next(self.scanT.PREP)) self.scanT.normal_timer('RUN')[sys.executable, MULTISCANFILE, self._MODE_, fN]) with open(fN, 'rb') as F: res_list = pickle.load(F) os.remove(fN) for result in res_list: self.StoreData(result) elif self.engine == 'ipcluster': for i in range(len(self.ScanPartition)): arl.append( Analyze, self.ScanPartition[i], self.SeqPartition[i], self.GenOrder, self._MODE_, self.UserOutputList, self.mod, ) ) print("Submitted tasks:", len(arl)) print("Preparation completed:", next(self.scanT.PREP)) print("\nPARALLEL COMPUTATION\n--------------------") flush() self.scanT.normal_timer('RUN') while['unassigned'] > 0: sleep(5) print('Tasks to go... ',['unassigned']) # wait until all tasks are completed flush() print("\nGATHER RESULT\n-------------") flush() for ar in arl: result = ar.get() # tuple: 0 - state_species # 1 - state_flux # 2 - user_output_results # 3 - invalid_state_list # 4 - invalid_state_list_idx self.StoreData(result) print("Parallel calculation completed:", next(self.scanT.RUN)) self.GatherScanResult()
[docs] def RunScatter(self, ReRun=False): """ Run the parameter scan by using scatter and gather for the ScanSpace. Not load balanced, equal number of scan runs per node. """ if self.engine != 'ipcluster': print("RunScatter() only supported with ipcluster!") return self.Prepare(ReRun) # this is where the parallel magic fun starts.... # push details into client namespace self.dv.push( { 'GenOrder': self.GenOrder, 'mode': self._MODE_, 'mod': self.mod, 'UserOutputList': self.UserOutputList, } ) # scatter ScanSpace and SeqArray self.dv.scatter('partition', self.ScanSpace) self.dv.scatter('seqarray', self.SeqArray) print("Scattered ScanSpace on number of engines:", len(self.dv)) print("Preparation completed:", next(self.scanT.PREP)) print("\nPARALLEL COMPUTATION\n--------------------") flush() self.scanT.normal_timer('RUN') # executes scan on partitioned ScanSpace on every node self.dv.execute( 'y=Analyze(partition,seqarray,GenOrder,mode,UserOutputList,mod)', block=True ) print("Parallel calculation completed:", next(self.scanT.RUN)) flush() ## this is analysis stuff print("\nGATHER RESULT\n-------------") flush() ar = self.dv.gather('y') results = ar.get() results = [results[i : i + 5] for i in range(0, len(results), 5)] for result in results: # tuple: 0 - state_species # 1 - state_flux # 2 - user_output_results # 3 - invalid_state_list # 4 - invalid_state_list_idx self.StoreData(result) print("Parallel calculation completed:", next(self.scanT.RUN)) self.GatherScanResult()
[docs] def StoreData(self, result): """ Internal function which concatenates and stores single result generated by Analyze. - *result* IPython client result object """ self.SteadyStateResults.append( np.hstack((np.array(result[0]), np.array(result[1]))) ) if self.HAS_USER_OUTPUT: self.UserOutputResults.append(np.array(result[2])) self.invalid_state_list += result[3] self.invalid_state_list_idx += result[4]
[docs] def GatherScanResult(self): """ Concatenates and combines output result fragments from the parallel scan. """ # from here on we have the complete results self.SteadyStateResults = np.vstack([i for i in self.SteadyStateResults]) if self.HAS_USER_OUTPUT: self.UserOutputResults = np.vstack([i for i in self.UserOutputResults]) self.resetInputParameters() # print "Gather completed:", print("\nPARSCANNER: %s states analysed" % len(self.SteadyStateResults)) print("Total time taken: ", next(self.scanT.PREP)) self.scanT.PREP.close() # close timer self.scanT.RUN.close() if len(self.invalid_state_list) > 0: print('\nBad steady states encountered at:\n') print("Sequence: ", self.invalid_state_list_idx) print("Parameters: ", self.invalid_state_list)
# Utility methods for scatter/gather # was in but refactored into main script # --johann 20120813 # set model attribute values
[docs]def setModValue(mod, name, value): assert hasattr(mod, name), 'Model does not have an attribute: %s ' % name setattr(mod, name, float(value))
# analyze steady states
[docs]def Analyze(partition, seqarray, GenOrder, mode, UserOutputList, mod): state_species = [] state_flux = [] user_output_results = [] invalid_state_list = [] invalid_state_list_idx = [] for i in range(len(partition)): pars = partition[i] for par in range(len(GenOrder)): setModValue(mod, GenOrder[par], pars[par]) if mode == 'state': mod.doState() elif mode == 'elasticity': mod.doElas() elif mode == 'mca': mod.doMca() elif mode == 'stability': mod.doEigenMca() mod.User_Function() if not mod.__StateOK__: invalid_state_list.append(pars) invalid_state_list_idx.append(seqarray[i]) state_species.append(mod.state_species) state_flux.append(mod.state_flux) user_output_results.append([getattr(mod, res) for res in UserOutputList]) return ( state_species, state_flux, user_output_results, invalid_state_list, invalid_state_list_idx, )